Introduction of the microphone product categories

Introduction of the microphone product categories

Microphone, microphone scientific name, is the sound signal into electrical signal energy conversion devices, translated from the Microphone. Also known as the microphone, Microphone. The twentieth century, through the resistive switching the microphone from the initial development of sound power inductor, capacitor switching, a large number of new microphone technology has been developed, which includes ribbon, moving coil microphone, etc., and the current widely used and Electret condenser microphone body microphone. Microphone can be traced back to 19th century history, Bell (Alexander Graham Bell) and other scientists dedicated to finding better ways to pick up the sound to be used for improvement of the latest inventions - the telephone. During which they invented the liquid carbon microphone and the microphone, the microphone is not ideal just barely be able to use.
Currently, the market's microphone consists of two main categories: one is moving-coil microphone. Its main feature is sound quality is good, do not need power supply, but the price is relatively high. Another type of microphone is the electret microphone. It features durable, high sensitivity, requires 1.5 ~ 3V power supply, sound quality than with price moving-coil microphone to be worse. But its price is relatively low, suitable for broadcast microphone.
As a home microphone, the best choice for moving coil, because of its sound quality than other types of better, people can truly reproduce the sound of a large and difficult environment in the volume and the occurrence of self-excited howling sound equipment, speaker of the treble damage speaker. Genuine goods are usually packaged, very beautiful design, microphone in hand should feel heavy, feel comfortable, screen cast should be no burr, but not damaged. Microphone line microphone should be consistent with a TreadTang trademark brand.
Quite satisfied with the election of their own products, can be a superior quality of imported hi-fi test-machine. Test machine, stereo headphone jack into the microphone, the volume rotation to a minimum, with Random's CD drive or VCD-player with genuine music, the volume on, open the microphone switch, this time, you will find the microphone into a only a small speaker, you can experiment with different microphones to choose the best sound quality of a.
Finally, check the process, that is shaking microphone should not be loose, but not with the microphone off. Access to PA microphone jack, the switch, the microphone should not be "cracking friends" sound, press the switch there should be no noise. After more carefully selected, the microphone can be passed, such a microphone is undoubtedly excellent.
Condenser microphone with two metal plates, of which one surface is coated with electret film (mostly poly FEP) and the ground, the other plate connected to the FET gate, the gate and source very indirect one diode. When the electret diaphragm itself with the charge, surface charge to charge for the Q, board-room to electricity capacity C, in the very head of the formation of ground voltage U = Q / C, when subject to vibration or by air to friction , due to vibration so that the distance between the bipolar plate change, that change in capacitance C, while the same charge Q, will lead to voltage changes, voltage changes in the size, reflecting the strength of the external sound pressure, which reflects the frequency of voltage change outside the frequency of the sound, which is electret microphone to works.
Multi-diaphragm condenser microphone with poly FEP, the humidity performance, multi-surface charge generated by humidity small. Condenser microphone is a result of this structure, signal a great resistance, in order to generate the sound and the voltage signal leads to amplification, the output must also use the field-effect transistor.

Par lli5040 le mercredi 01 septembre 2010


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